M. Sinno

Non lucrative visa

Residence Visa (Non-Lucrative)

​For non-working individuals (with an reliable, ongoing source of income and substantial savings) who wish to reside in Spain for more than 3 months.

VERY IMPORTANT: We cannot overstate the importance of paying the utmost attention to filling out the application and the accompanying information. INCOMPLETE OR INCORRECT APPLICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED, REQUIRING THE APPLICANT TO MAKE A NEW APPOINTMENT AT A LATER DATE.

• Apply and pick up in person.

• The application must be submitted no more than 90 days in advance to the intended travel date

• The processing fee will not be returned even if your Visa is denied or cancelled.

• Residence Visas must be picked up within one month, starting the following day after receiving the approval notification. Failing to do so within this will invalidate the visa.



1.Visa application form: The application form must be thoroughly filled out and signed.

2. One passport-type photo. One professionally-taken photo is required, it must have a white background, the face should be clearly visible, the size of the photo should be 2×2 inches (5×5 cm). No self-made and printed photos will be accepted.

3. Passport or Travel Document. (Original and photocopy of the main page). Passport should be no older than 10 years. Please make sure your passport has at least one blank page for the new visa.

4.I.D. Card that proves your place of residence is within the jurisdiction of the Spanish Consulate of Los Angeles (original and photocopy). You can provide one of the following documents: U.S. Driver license, State I.D. card, Voter’s Registration Card, current Student I.D.

5. (Non-US. Citizens only) U.S. Resident Alien Card or valid U.S. long term Visa. (Original and photocopy): Holders of B-1 and B-2 Visas cannot apply in the United States; they must apply in their country of residence or country of origin. Applicants holding Student Visas must also present their I-20 (original and copy) signed by the university on the last page and a copy of their F-1 Visa

6.EX 01 Form​ printed, filled out and signed.

7.790-52 Form printed, filled out and signed.

8. Medical Certificate: (Original and photocopy, original translation and photocopy of translation if required): This document must be issued no more than 90 days before your appointment date, must include letterhead and original signature and/or stamp from a doctor (only M.D. or D.O’s will be accepted). The following is an example of the required text on the certificate Medical Certificate example

Translation: All Medical certificates that are not originally in Spanish must be translated by a Sworn Spanish translator certified by the Government of Spain. A translation is not needed if the example found on the abovementioned link, available in both English and Spanish on the same page is signed and/or stamped by the doctor.

9. Certification of “absence of police records” Only for applicants 18 years of age or older (Original, photocopy, translations into Spanish, photocopy of translations): Obtain a background check verified by fingerprint comparison. This document is valid for a maximum of 90 days after the issue date mentioned on it. It must be legalized with the “Apostille of The Hague” and then translated into Spanish​ in order to be accepted

The background check can be issued by either:

(a) The U.S. Justice Department– FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and must be legalized with the “Apostille of The Hague” by the Secretary of State in Washington D.C.


(b) The State Justice Department (all states where the applicant has resided in the last 5 years) and the document must be legalized with the “Apostille of The Hague” by the Secretary of State of said state.

Translation: a translation by a Sworn Spanish Translator certified by the Government of Spain of the Certificate of “Absence of Police Records” and of the Apostille is required of. A translation of the Apostille is not needed if the document is available originally in the Spanish language (some are issued in three languages).

See common questions and issues for details about the background check or the Apostille of The Hague.

10. Proof of funds: Documentation in original form with an official stamp and seal of the issuing agency that verifies sufficient economic means for the period of residency in Spain or certifies the availability of a non-working monthly income (eg. pension) that satisfies the minimum financial requirements. Minimum financial requirements can be found here: minimum requirements. The minimum required funds increase with additional family members.

Documents not meeting the minimum requirements or lacking official stamps or seals (eg. photocopies) will not be accepted.

Translation: a translation of all proof of funds by a Sworn Spanish Translator certified by the Spanish Government (no local companies) is required, unless the original form of the document(s) is available in Spanish.

11. Copy of most recent Tax Return. Residency applicants cannot have/leave loans or mortgages in the United States when applying for residency in spain.

12. Medical Insurance: Proof of health insurance from a private or public company with no co-pay (or deductible) is required. The provider must be authorized to operate in Spain. No travel insurances with medical assistance coverage will be accepted.

– An example of acceptable insurance providers can be found here: Insurance providers (for stays over 90 days) ​

– For more details see following link: common questions and issues

Translation: a translation by a Sworn Spanish Translator of the declaration page showing information on the insured persons, dates, coverage, policy type is required. A translation is not needed if the document is available originally in the Spanish language.

13. Visa Fee: Payments are made at the time of your appointment, only money order or exact cash are accepted (no credit cards, no debit cards, no personal checks). Money orders are to be addressed to the “Consulate General of Spain Los Angeles”. See the following link for fees.

The visa fee will not be reimbursed even if the visa is not granted or is cancelled. See common questions and issues for details.

14. Disclaimer duly signed and attached to the application.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: If applying with dependents (husband, wife or children), the dependents require the following documents in addition to the above mentioned ones for each corresponding applicant:

MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE – Legalized with the Apostille of the Hagueand translated by a Sworn Spanish Translator certified by the Spanish Government (no local companies). The applicant must present the original, a photocopy, translation and a photocopy of translation.

BIRTH CERTIFICATE (Applicants under 18 only) – Legalized with the Apostille of The Hague and translated by a Sworn Spanish Translatorcertified by the Spanish Government (no local companies). The applicant must present the original, a photocopy, translation and a photocopy of translation.

For references purposes only, please find a simple checklist of the required documents for this visa here Checklist​​.​

Once you Arrive in Spain

The visa from our department will only be valid for 90 days. During the first month of your stay in Spain, you must go to the Local Immigration Office (Extranjería) and apply for your Tarjeta de Identificación de Extranjero (in short, Tarjeta NIE). Once receiving your Tarjeta NIE, you will be able to stay for the duration of your programme. Be sure to take the original background check and medical certificate along with their original translations with you to Spain for the process.

The Consulate Administration has full authority to evaluate and request more documents than those listed above. Please be informed that submitting the mentioned documents does NOT guarantee issuance of the visa. Documents presented for the visa application will not be returned.

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